Could Assassin’s Creed Black Flag be the game of the year?

2014 is a big year for gaming with the next gen consoles picking up more and more titles and Assassin’s Creed Black Flag is certainly one of the best. Unlike the previous version, the game is completely free-roaming, and it’s much more attractive on the eye. The creators have really taken advantage of the power […]

Mafia 3 – A game to watch out for

Mafia 2 was a huge hit on the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 and it generally had a good reception. It essential took you into the life of a ‘wise guy’ gangster, and that could be set to return, this time on our next gen consoles, but the question is when? It has been […]

What can we Expect in FIFA 2015

Okay so many of you may only be getting to grips with FIFA 14, but there’s no way around it, there’s going to be the release of FIFA 15 this year, so what additions can we expect? There’s certainly going to be a few new times, and update kits and transfers for every club, and […]

Why does GTA only get better?

There are so many games out there that flop or perhaps are not as well received as others, but that never seems to be the case with GTA (grand theft auto). With every new release comes a new bunch of possibilities, and sales only seem to go up with each new release. There’s no hiding […]

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As the name suggests Museum Games focuses in on the gaming industry. We look at new games, new consoles, retro gaming and the latest news in the industry of course. This blog is essentially your one stop shop for all things related to gaming so enjoy and watch this space!